bas geobas build error message while running a calculation using ZORA feature

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I ended with the below error message, when I was running NWChem using ZORA feature.

NWChem DFT Module


0:bas_geobas_build: basis/geometry mismatch:Received an Error in Communication

ERROR: geometry tag C2 (Carbon) is an atom but has no functions in basis "ao basis"
ERROR: only bq* centers can have no functions
bas_geobas_build: basis/geometry mismatch 0
current input line :
96: task DFT energy
There is an error in the specified basis set
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                               

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 3 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode -1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

 Process name: [[6093,1],0]
Exit code: 255


title B3LYP/cc-pvdz/zora"
memory total 400 mb
geometry units angstroms
symmetry c1
Ir1 0.0429710000000 0.0037150000000 -0.0518300000000
C2 2.0837130000000 0.2858480000000 -0.1881780000000
C3 2.4110990000000 0.4583120000000 -1.5657240000000
C4 3.7831340000000 0.7080860000000 -1.8802690000000
C5 4.7652080000000 0.7909470000000 -0.8775270000000
C6 4.4188390000000 0.6383280000000 0.4682270000000
C7 3.0821370000000 0.3980000000000 0.8086920000000
C8 1.3356020000000 0.3528330000000 -2.5939620000000
N9 0.0902830000000 0.1007240000000 -2.1018020000000
C10 -0.9315740000000 -0.0265630000000 -2.9795080000000
C11 -0.7944140000000 0.0858860000000 -4.3656600000000
C12 0.4758120000000 0.3496930000000 -4.8824170000000
C13 1.5449290000000 0.4823910000000 -3.9873640000000
F14 4.2182270000000 0.8801900000000 -3.1493910000000
F15 5.3640050000000 0.7268600000000 1.4331450000000
H16 5.7932200000000 0.9774600000000 -1.1474910000000
H17 2.8390300000000 0.3019010000000 1.8546090000000
H18 -1.9117540000000 -0.2336030000000 -2.5860150000000
H19 -1.6494290000000 -0.0259470000000 -5.0157220000000
H20 0.6310880000000 0.4470350000000 -5.9469250000000
H21 2.5094620000000 0.6794230000000 -4.4187700000000
C22 -0.1830850000000 2.0442310000000 0.1045180000000
C23 -1.5781820000000 2.3288620000000 0.0993620000000
C24 -1.9585370000000 3.6954000000000 0.2772130000000
C25 -0.9993590000000 4.7154180000000 0.4130310000000
C26 0.3657590000000 4.4129920000000 0.3894330000000
C27 0.7691740000000 3.0808140000000 0.2396900000000
C28 -2.5566280000000 1.2145890000000 -0.0627220000000
N29 -2.0189890000000 -0.0395580000000 -0.0978640000000
C30 -2.8690300000000 -1.0866580000000 -0.2205200000000
C31 -4.2529320000000 -0.9701620000000 -0.3713210000000
C32 -4.8073170000000 0.3107770000000 -0.3786320000000
C33 -3.9491100000000 1.4065250000000 -0.2289280000000
F34 -3.2518690000000 4.0885700000000 0.3340970000000
F35 1.2873660000000 5.3963330000000 0.5163360000000
H36 -1.3180120000000 5.7383570000000 0.5413570000000
H37 1.8267330000000 2.8678250000000 0.2396730000000
H38 -2.4569190000000 -2.0787580000000 -0.2021350000000
H39 -4.8739190000000 -1.8483140000000 -0.4695330000000
H40 -5.8716690000000 0.4537060000000 -0.4945890000000
H41 -4.4049260000000 2.3798190000000 -0.2461500000000
N42 -0.9813790000000 -0.0040710000000 2.5276970000000
C43 -1.3246040000000 -1.2770580000000 2.7381330000000
C44 -0.1902840000000 -2.0557810000000 2.3540030000000
C45 0.8059810000000 -1.1904620000000 2.6895770000000
N46 0.2519230000000 -0.1617770000000 1.9924980000000
C47 -0.1441430000000 -3.1927370000000 1.3714000000000
P48 0.1323950000000 -2.3547690000000 -0.2818950000000
C49 1.9693860000000 -2.6539570000000 -0.5927470000000
C50 2.4214350000000 -2.7557740000000 -1.9272970000000
C51 3.7788860000000 -2.9869860000000 -2.2198140000000
C52 4.7073060000000 -3.1327180000000 -1.1734450000000
C53 4.2709370000000 -3.0543430000000 0.1616210000000
C54 2.9115260000000 -2.8223340000000 0.4479190000000
C55 -0.4069850000000 -3.8716860000000 -1.2436460000000
C56 0.1571880000000 -5.1490670000000 -1.0244340000000
C57 -0.2773710000000 -6.2638230000000 -1.7671470000000
C58 -1.2807100000000 -6.1128480000000 -2.7420770000000
C59 -1.8417500000000 -4.8440320000000 -2.9769870000000
C60 -1.4023530000000 -3.7322200000000 -2.2331360000000
C61 -2.7535400000000 -1.6731700000000 3.0743240000000
F62 -3.6253030000000 -0.7042600000000 2.7905580000000
F63 -3.1036280000000 -2.7695610000000 2.4001890000000
F64 -2.8303670000000 -1.9423480000000 4.3776610000000
H65 1.0177680000000 -0.8664360000000 3.7023820000000
H66 0.6443870000000 -3.9042810000000 1.6107400000000
H67 -1.0734030000000 -3.7610140000000 1.3602710000000
H68 1.7140160000000 -2.6495550000000 -2.7375240000000
H69 4.1052790000000 -3.0524600000000 -3.2475680000000
H70 5.7503060000000 -3.3082870000000 -1.3942070000000
H71 4.9805190000000 -3.1682590000000 0.9685000000000
H72 2.6081800000000 -2.7591280000000 1.4802430000000
H73 0.9409870000000 -5.2791660000000 -0.2928640000000
H74 0.1648930000000 -7.2338920000000 -1.5926800000000
H75 -1.6135570000000 -6.9671120000000 -3.3136690000000
H76 -2.6061670000000 -4.7226800000000 -3.7306450000000
H77 -1.8314840000000 -2.7614180000000 -2.4283110000000
iridium library cc-pvdz rel



task DFT energy
