12:55:27 PM PDT - Fri, Jun 26th 2015 |
I'm posting so that I can follow this thread, but I'll contribute what I can.
I have two machines that I installed Debian Jessie on when that was the testing version along with both GNU and KDE desktop (I actually use i3wm for my window manager). I installed ECCE on both machines and it more or less worked correctly. The machines are:
An HP Probook 4530s with an Intel HD Graphics 3000.
A homebuilt desktop with an Nvidia GeForce GTX660.
After Jessie moved from testing to stable I can no longer open the builder/viewer on the laptop version, but everything still works correctly on the desktop.
I use a third machine with a Matrox MGA G200eW WPCM450 that recently moved from Ubuntu 14.04.1 to 14.04.2 and sometime around that time the viewer/builder quit opening.
On a possibly unrelated note, both the laptop and the Ubuntu system also had the issue I mentioned here: http://nwchemgit.github.io/Special_AWCforum/st/id1648/ECCE_gives_no_properties_wit... where the input parser misidentifies the ECCE output for normal NWChem runs as an NWChem Metadynamics runs and thus fails to give any properties.