tce mrcc readref

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OK, seems like targetsym needs to be set. Now getting a nonsense number:

Fermi vacuum according to SCF wave function  has been requested.
 Inconsistent number of electrons in bwcc input n:                   447 
  ne.nocc(s):                   120  n0:   2097867219951104560
 tce_mrcc_readref                   4

Coming from code
      do s = 1,2
         do j = 1, nref
            n  = 0
            n0 = 0
            do i = 1, nmo(s)
               n  = n  + iocc(i,j,s)
               n0 = n0 + iocc0(i,s)
            end do
            if ( .or. then
     &            'Inconsistent number of electrons in bwcc input'
     1            ,' n:',n,' ne.nocc(s):',nocc(s),' n0:',n0
               call errquit('tce_mrcc_readref',4,UNKNOWN_ERR)
            end if
         end do
      end do

So if I read this correctly,

n should be the number of occupied orbitals in configuration j, spin s
n0 should be the number of occupied orbitals in the reference HF determinant, spin s

I turned on the MRCC debug output, and I can't tell whether the output is just interleaved from multiple processes dumping at the same time, or if the references are really coming out different lengths. It looks a little like the latter--I see labels "Reference #" in order, but e.g., reference 1 has 4651 digits (all 0 or 1, presumably occupations) while reference 14 has 1400. They look like concatenations of a shorter occupation string. If anyone responds, I'll be happy to send output offline.

This is occurring with or without the "subgroupsize" and "improvetiling" options set.