How to build on SGI Altix ICE

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To compile a basic single processor version of NWChem, without using the IB network or MPI, unset the MPI variables and the ARMCI_NETWORK. This should generate a single processor version.

Your errors are related to i4/i8 issues. The USE_64TO32 could be a culprit. Did you get a clean source from the NWChem web site?


Quote:Orleans704 Jul 22nd 1:29 pm
Anyone familiar with these errors?

MA internal error: MAi_inform_base: invalid datatype: 4337916969969
MA internal fatal error: MA_sizeof: unable to set sizes of FORTRAN datatypes
MPI: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated without calling MPI_Finalize()
MPI: aborting job

Thanks, Chris