error ival=5

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Anyone know how to parse this information?

      Symmetry analysis of basis

        a1         79
        a2         22
        b1         45
        b2         48

8: error ival=5
(rank:8 hostname:n1430 pid:5979):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-3/armci/src/devices/openib/openib.c:armci_send_complete():459 cond:(pdscr->status==IBV_WC_SUCCESS)

Happened at start of a Hartree-Fock calculation,

  functions       =   194
  atoms           =    12
  alpha electrons =    46
  beta  electrons =    46
  charge          =   0.00
  wavefunction    = UHF
  input vectors   = atomic
  output vectors  = /scratch/cchang/WsZqXn/perm/uhf_singlet.movecs
  use symmetry    = T
  symmetry adapt  = T

16 ranks spread over 2 nodes. Curiously, this doesn't happen on every set of nodes, so I'm prepared to believe it's related to hardware, but I don't know what to tell our admins to look for.
