rtdb problem

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Dear community and dear developers,

i try to run a huge DFT calculation on a BlueGene machine.
My structure consists of about 11k atoms

in order to handle the high number of atoms the following parameters were used for the compilation
parameter (nw_max_atom =15000)
parameter (nw_max_shells = 50000)
parameter (nw_max_nbf = 50000)

However, I obtain the following error

 geom_rtdb_store: write to rtdb failedgeometry -> geometry
 geom_rtdb_store: open geometies:  1
  1 geom_rtdb_store: "geometry" -> "geometry"
 geom_rtdb_store: geometries in last accessed data base:  1
 geom_input: geom_rtdb_store failed        0
 An error occured in the Runtime Database

Obviously there is a problem writing to the runtime database.
Could you please give me a hint what I overlooked or tips how to solve this error ?

My kind regards

The input is the following :
scratch_dir /gpfs/scratch/userexternal/akulesza

start ANIMAL1

geometry units angstrom noautoz noprint noautosym 
symmetry c1
LOAD format xyz ANIMAL.xyz 

h,c,n,o,s,mg,cl library 6-31g*
fe,ni library cc-pvtz
 xc becke88 perdew86
 iterations 1000
charge -31
task dft energy