Error in running MEPGS calculation

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String method for three geoms
I am running string calculation to get mep with three input geom
I was able to run it successfully with freezing the first and the end geoms

Now I am trying to run the same calculation by first freezing those geoms and then relaxing it
also I added the HASMIDDLE which allows the code to use the the "midgeom" geometry to be used as the midpoint (in this case the midgeom is a Transition state)
part of the input with string module
 nhist 10
nbeads 10
maxiter 20
stepsize 0.10
print_shift 1

 # don't allow the end points of the path to move
freeze1 .true.
freezeN .true.
task dft string ignore

 nbeads 20
maxiter 20

 # allow the end points of the path to move
freeze1 .false.
freezeN .false.
task dft string ignore

the job runs for two beads and then ends with an unspecified error:

zts_meps: gradient failed        0
This error has not yet been assigned to a category
For more information see the NWChem manual at"

Please suggest suitable changes
