How to create Dummy centres with a grid but no basis

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Forum Vet
I have created a patch that you can apply to nwchem 6.5 to be able to have a grid on bq's
The URL for the patch is
In order to be able to have grid on the bq's,
please add the following line to your input file just before the task line
set dft:bqdontcare .true.
Please be aware that this modification has not gone through the same thorough QA testing we use in a released version

Here is an example of a small input file
geometry noautoz
 h  0. 0.  0.5
 h  0. 0. -0.5
 bq 0. 0.  0.

 * library 6-31g*

set dft:bqdontcare .true.

task dft