How to create Dummy centres with a grid but no basis

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I don't see how this could be done, as NWChem doesn't allow creation of neither ghost atoms without basis (gridrtunc: no basis on ghost atom?) nor real atoms with zero charge (grid_atom_type_info: non-bq center with zero charge).

You might try and see what happens if you just skip the "call errquit" statement when a "non-bq center with zero charge" is found. I haven't tried it, so it might be a silly thing to do and perhaps breaks things, though :-D The check is found in src/nwdft/grid/grid_atom_type_info.F

If skipping the quit causes no problems, then perhaps a geometry/basis spec like this could work:

geometry units au
   O1     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
   H      0.00000000    1.43042809   -1.10715266
   H      0.00000000   -1.43042809   -1.10715266
   O2     2.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000 charge 0
   H  library 6-31g
   O1 library 6-31g