CCSDTLR Not Compiled Error in Example ccsdt polar small.nw

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Gets Around
You are trying to allocate 12 GB of memory per processor. Do you have that much RAM? This job does not need much memory. This worked fine for me:


start tce_polar_ccsdt_small

memory 100 mb

geometry units au
 symmetry d2h
 Ne  0  0  0

basis spherical
 * library aug-cc-pVDZ

  freeze core
  io ga

set tce:lineresp T
set tce:respaxis F F T
set tce:afreq 0.0 0.1

task tce energy

It also worked fine with my default memory settings, no memory directive in the input file itself, but I wanted to see if I could shrink the default memory allocation since top didn't show much resident memory per process. Try using less memory.