Bug in running of IP/EA CCSD?

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Hello all,

I have been having difficulties with some errors with the newest snapshot of nwchem including the IPCCSD and EACCSD modules. I have tested my code and it works great for the ozone and F2 example files however. When I attempt to get the IP and EA of a 1-D chain of LiH atoms, I stumble upon strange results.

Here are my input files for the IPCCSD and EACCSD:


charge 0
memory stack 3500 mb heap 100 mb global 8000 mb
geometry nocenter noautosym noautoz
Li 0 0 0
H 0 0 1.5
Li 0 0 3
H 0 0 4.5
Li 0 0 6.0
H 0 0 7.5
  • library 6-31g*
rhf; singlet;
nroots 2
freeze atomic
tilesize 20
thresh 1d-7
set tce:thresheom 1d-4
set tce:thresh1 1d-3
task tce energy

Results for the IP run:

No. of initial right vectors 12

For some reason it won't let me post this unless I delete most of the iterations so here is the error bombout message:

EOM-CCSD right-hand side iterations
Residuum Omega / hartree Omega / eV Cpu Wall
Iteration 18 using 37 trial vectors
0.0000000876516 0.0000000000000 0.00000
0.0001016081551 0.2140089616994 5.82348 0.2 31.1

Iteration  19 using   38 trial vectors
tce_eom_xdiagon: failed to extend subspace 0
current input line :
26: task tce energy
This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching convergence criteria

As you can see the first root, goes to 0.00 eV. What exactly does this mean????


charge 0
memory stack 3500 mb heap 100 mb global 8000 mb
geometry nocenter noautosym noautoz
Li 0 0 0
H 0 0 1.5
Li 0 0 3
H 0 0 4.5
Li 0 0 6.0
H 0 0 7.5
  • library 6-31g*
rhf; singlet;
nroots 2
freeze atomic
tilesize 30
thresh 1d-6
task tce energy

No. of initial right vectors 608

EOM-CCSD right-hand side iterations
Residuum Omega / hartree Omega / eV Cpu Wall

Iteration   1 using  608 trial vectors
tce_eom_xdiagon: nxtrails too big 4
current input line :
24: task tce energy
For more information see the NWChem manual at http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/NWChem_Documentation

I am not sure why in this case there are so many trial vectors, or how I can go about fixing this.

Thanks in advance,
