read basis set

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I would like to calculateCR-CCSD(T) energy of silver cluster using aug-cc-PV5Z-pp basis set with NWChem 5.1.1, and my basis input is like
 * library aug-cc-pv5z-pp file /home/it1/li/basis/
and my basis set file is in /home/it1/li/basis/ with the name aug-cc-pv5z-pp, the content comes from EMSL :
BASIS "ao basis" PRINT
  1. BASIS SET: (16s,13p,11d,4f,3g,2h,1i) -> [7s,7p,6d,4f,3g,2h,1i]
Ag S
 25508.1000000              0.0000040             -0.0000010             -0.0000020             -0.0000040              0.0000040              0.0000170
but the output says:
Summary of "ao basis" -> "" (cartesian)
Tag Description Shells Functions and Types
---------------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------------------
* aug-cc-pv5z-pp on all atoms

 library name resolved from: environment
library file name is: </soft/nwchem/5.1.1/src/basis/libraries/>

 bas_tag_lib: failed to locate ag_aug-cc-pv5z-pp in file /home/it1/lirun/basis/
bas_tag_lib: no such basis available 0

Can someone help me with it?