Mingw32 compilation

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Quote:P99 Sep 12th 8:58 am

2. In the description was not specified that before command
% make FC=gfortran DEPEND_CC=gcc
must be
% cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src 
% make nwchem_config

Of course, all the usual NWChem compilation steps apply

Quote:P99 Sep 12th 8:58 am

3. It would be nice also give example of compilation without Python.

4. You specify
but the distribution is used a long name, and compilation with a long name fails. It would be good to explicitly specify the need for renaming.

I am afraid that the failure with a long name suggests that the full path enter into the program. I would not want that path of my PC were in the program. Can this be avoided?

I am not a MingW32/MSYS experts, therefore I cannot really help you on this.
My home directory on MSYS is /home/edo, therefore the full path of NWCHEM_TOP is

If you have any suggestions to improve the MingW32 installation process, they are very welcome