Problem with DIRDYVTST calculation

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Forum Vet
The following changes to the header files in $NWCHEM_TOP/src/drdy might fix your problem
(i.e. changes of natoms and natomz from 40 to 50).

~/nwchem/src/drdy$ svn diff nwc_drdyP.fh  drdyP.fh 
Index: nwc_drdyP.fh
--- nwc_drdyP.fh	(revision 26025)
+++ nwc_drdyP.fh	(working copy)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
       Parameter (master = 0)
       Integer natomz
-      Parameter (natomz = 40) ! same as in drdyP.fh
+      Parameter (natomz = 50) ! same as in drdyP.fh
       Double Precision atomic_charge, copy_charge
       Double Precision nwcmass
       Character*16     atomic_labels, copy_labels
Index: drdyP.fh
--- drdyP.fh	(revision 26025)
+++ drdyP.fh	(working copy)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
       Parameter (sprod  = +1.111d10)
       Integer natoms,n3tm,n3tmp,nbardm,nsmax,fu6,fu30
-      Parameter (natoms=40)
+      Parameter (natoms=50)
       Parameter (n3tm=3*natoms,n3tmp=3*natoms+1)
       Parameter (nbardm=(n3tm*(n3tm+1))/2)
       Parameter (nsmax=100)