rodft, frequency calculation

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bug with DFT grid nodisk
Interesting, there seems to be a bug in using geometry optimization with DFT grid 'nodisk' option under these circumstances. This input runs quickly and terminates normally:

Title "no2-geovib"

Start  no2-geovib


charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz
  O        0.75760       -0.04378        0.06825
  N        2.09353       -0.04378        0.06825
  O        3.42945       -0.04378        0.06825
  symmetry c1

basis "ao basis" cartesian print
  * library "6-31G*"

  mult 2
  xc b3lyp
  tolerances tight
  grid xfine

task dft optimize
task dft freq numerical

This input produces progressively higher energy geometries until it runs out of optimization steps:

Title "no2-geovib"

Start  no2-geovib


charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz
  O        0.75760       -0.04378        0.06825
  N        2.09353       -0.04378        0.06825
  O        3.42945       -0.04378        0.06825
  symmetry c1

basis "ao basis" cartesian print
  * library "6-31G*"

  mult 2
  xc b3lyp
  tolerances tight
  grid xfine nodisk

task dft optimize
task dft freq numerical

@ Step       Energy      Delta E   Gmax     Grms     Xrms     Xmax   Walltime
@ ---- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
@    0    -204.97333967  0.0D+00  0.22447  0.10581  0.00000  0.00000      4.4
@    1    -204.95545153  1.8D-02  0.18350  0.08650  0.02951  0.06260      8.8
@    2    -204.94675962  8.7D-03  0.16714  0.07879  0.01340  0.02843     12.8
@    3    -204.94250996  4.2D-03  0.15979  0.07532  0.00640  0.01357     16.7
@    4    -204.93999303  2.5D-03  0.15562  0.07336  0.00375  0.00795     19.4
@    5    -204.93749968  2.5D-03  0.15160  0.07147  0.00369  0.00782     22.2
@    6    -204.93503032  2.5D-03  0.14774  0.06965  0.00363  0.00769     25.1
@    7    -204.93258045  2.4D-03  0.14402  0.06789  0.00358  0.00758     28.7
@    8    -204.93005490  2.5D-03  0.14027  0.06613  0.00381  0.00778     33.6
@    9    -204.92697342  3.1D-03  0.13582  0.06403  0.00492  0.00949     61.0
@   10    -204.92422775  2.7D-03  0.13195  0.06222  0.00435  0.00844     66.9
@   11    -204.92145431  2.8D-03  0.12812  0.06043  0.00439  0.00854     82.9
@   12    -204.91882836  2.6D-03  0.12458  0.05877  0.00417  0.00808     89.2
@   13    -204.91620944  2.6D-03  0.12112  0.05716  0.00417  0.00807     96.7
@   14    -204.91367270  2.5D-03  0.11783  0.05564  0.00406  0.00783    104.7
@   15    -204.91120819  2.5D-03  0.11469  0.05419  0.00396  0.00762    112.6
@   16    -204.90881147  2.4D-03  0.11169  0.05280  0.00388  0.00743    121.1
@   17    -204.90640494  2.4D-03  0.10873  0.05144  0.00390  0.00747    128.4
@   18    -204.90411816  2.3D-03  0.10596  0.05017  0.00374  0.00713    135.9
@   19    -204.90189926  2.2D-03  0.10331  0.04896  0.00367  0.00694    142.7
@   20    -204.89974575  2.2D-03  0.10077  0.04780  0.00360  0.00677    149.3
@   20    -204.89974575  2.2D-03  0.10077  0.04780  0.00360  0.00677    149.3

EDIT: In case it matters, these results were obtained with the latest NWChem snapshot:

I compiled using OpenBLAS 0.28 as BLAS and was running under 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04.