Instructions in the manual cannot set modules and define target

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Gets Around
Your NWCHEM_TOP is shown declared as /users/computation/nwchem but when you do make nwchem_config it is behaving as if /users/computation/nwchem-6.3 were the NWCHEM_TOP.

Some guesses at the problem:
-Did you really unpack the source code from the archive anew before attempting compilation, or are there old files hanging around from a previous compilation attempt? You can try 'make realclean' first to clean up stray files.
-Are there incompatible environment variables set in your shell from a previous compilation attempt, or maybe set by a script file?
-Are you using symbolic links for directory names? I don't know if that would even matter, but I have never tried building NWChem in a symlink-named directory.