Input file for GaAs geometry optimization

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Forum Vet
Well, a couple of things here. Having a Ga and As separated by 5 angstroms is creating some of your problems, try a more realistic bond length like 2.0, i.e.

geometry units angstroms
Ga 0.0 0.0 -1.0
As 0.0 0.0 1.0

You will need to increase the number of iterations:

dft; iterations 300; direct; end

Also, I hope you're going to use a reasonable basis set and not the minimal sto-3g.

You hinted at the calculation not being able to find a basis set. If this is another issue, you should set NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY to point to the location where the NWChem basis sets are on your machine (if you build from source it will be in <nwchem-path>/src/basis/libraries)

  setenv NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY <nwchem-path>/src/basis/libraries/

Hope this helps,


Quote: Jun 2nd 9:19 am
Hi Bert,

My trial input looks like:

Jun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local TimeJun 2nd 9:19 am Local Time~
title "GaAs"

geometry units angstroms
Ga 0.0 0.0 -2.5
As 0.0 0.0 2.5

Ga library sto-3g
As library sto-3g

dft; direct; end

task dft optimize

The goal is to optimize accurately the GaAs structure (using quality DFT functional). Either PW or Gaussian (any would do,
or as required by accuracy goal).