HOMO-LUMO gap and energy

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I have done a PBE DFT total energy calculation on trans-azobenzene using 6-31G basis set. The output HOMO LUMO energy are
 HOMO         =      -0.232737
 LUMO         =      -0.095934

 Vector   47  Occ=2.000000D+00  E=-2.042511D-01  Symmetry=au
              MO Center=  8.6D-16, -2.0D-15, -2.6D-17, r^2= 1.1D+01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    41     -0.231762   5 C  pz              114     -0.231762  17 C  pz
    14      0.215979   2 C  pz               87      0.215979  14 C  pz
     5     -0.193556   1 N  pz               78     -0.193556  13 N  pz
    45     -0.173935   5 C  pz              118     -0.173935  17 C  pz
    59      0.164878   7 C  pz              132      0.164878  19 C  pz

 Vector   48  Occ=2.000000D+00  E=-1.730196D-01  Symmetry=ag
              MO Center=  4.2D-16,  6.9D-16, -2.3D-18, r^2= 2.2D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     3      0.406492   1 N  px               76     -0.406492  13 N  px
     7      0.267589   1 N  px               80     -0.267589  13 N  px
     6      0.243693   1 N  s                79      0.243693  13 N  s
    15     -0.234813   2 C  s                88     -0.234813  14 C  s
    61      0.231512   7 C  px              134     -0.231512  19 C  px

 Vector   49  Occ=0.000000D+00  E=-1.098084D-01  Symmetry=bg
              MO Center= -1.9D-15,  7.1D-15,  1.4D-16, r^2= 7.3D+00
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
     5      0.364349   1 N  pz               78     -0.364349  13 N  pz
     9      0.316606   1 N  pz               82     -0.316606  13 N  pz
    41      0.189257   5 C  pz              114     -0.189257  17 C  pz
    45      0.187283   5 C  pz               63     -0.187746   7 C  pz
   118     -0.187283  17 C  pz              136      0.187746  19 C  pz

Vector   50  Occ=0.000000D+00  E=-3.444670D-02  Symmetry=bg
              MO Center= -2.1D-15,  3.1D-15,  2.7D-16, r^2= 1.3D+01
   Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function         Bfn.  Coefficient  Atom+Function
  ----- ------------  ---------------      ----- ------------  ---------------
    27      0.321091   3 C  pz              100     -0.321091  15 C  pz
    54      0.316982   6 C  pz              127     -0.316982  18 C  pz
    36     -0.255164   4 C  pz               50      0.255902   6 C  pz
   109      0.255164  16 C  pz              123     -0.255902  18 C  pz
    23      0.253006   3 C  pz               96     -0.253006  15 C  pz

However, when I looked at each MO, the energies do not match the HOMO-LUMO energy reported earlier. May I ask what is the true HOMO LUMO gap and energy?