DFT calculation on spin-orbit couplings: Insufficient memory in ecp int2

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Quote:Huub Apr 24th 4:09 pm
Hi Daniela,

It seems that in the presence of both ECPs and SO ECPs the memory estimator would always pick the last value of the estimated memory rather than the maximum. The patch below addresses this:

 cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
wget https://nwchemgit.github.io/images/Ecpmem2.patch.gz
gunzip -d Ecpmem2.patch
patch -p0 < Ecpmem2.patch
cd NWints/api
cd ../..
make link

For me this fixed the problem with the HOBr molecule you posted above. Please give this a try and let me know if any problems persist.


It worked!!! Thank you very much!
Now I can compute all the spin-orbit couplings I want!

thanks again :-)
