NWPW Optimization Fail to Converge for a Tutorial Job

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Dear All,

I have compiled a copy of NWChem 6.0 with on our SGI Altex server, and I tried to run a NWPW tutorial job obtained from the following page


I chose "NWPW Tutorial 5: Optimizing the Unit Cell and Geometry of Diamond" to check the NWPW module in my copy, and this job was supposed to converge in the 6th optimization cycle as it is shown.

The only different of my input from the the one shown in the tutorial is definition of "permanent_dir" and "scratch_dir" are removed. However, my calculation failed to converge within 40 optimization iterations.

Part of the output are given below, can anyone help me to figure out what is the problem ? Thanks a lot.

Dominic Chien

I used the these compilers, MKL and MPI library to compile

This is the first iteration of my calculation
Step 1

                        Geometry "geometry" -> "geometry"
Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by 1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)

 No.       Tag          Charge          X              Y              Z
---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 C 6.0000 1.88357541 1.88401967 1.88308402
2 C 6.0000 -0.00008246 -0.00039948 1.88381307
3 C 6.0000 -0.00008905 1.88315026 0.00014969
4 C 6.0000 1.88325462 0.00001380 -0.00010021
5 C 6.0000 2.82514175 2.82520561 2.82555541
6 C 6.0000 0.94210694 0.94213554 2.82468173
7 C 6.0000 0.94154529 2.82542784 0.94150850
8 C 6.0000 2.82536182 0.94123718 0.94188317

Step Energy Delta E Gmax Grms Xrms Xmax Walltime
---- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 -45.06493468 -7.2D-03 0.04795 0.01449 0.11787 0.39107 284.7

This is the result of the 6th cycle in my calculation
Step 6

                        Geometry "geometry" -> "geometry"
Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by 1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)

 No.       Tag          Charge          X              Y              Z
---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 C 6.0000 1.82723706 1.82729824 1.82705720
2 C 6.0000 0.00000990 -0.00005990 1.82729710
3 C 6.0000 -0.00000770 1.82706000 0.00002961
4 C 6.0000 1.82712035 0.00006237 -0.00002685
5 C 6.0000 2.74074475 2.74072927 2.74088332
6 C 6.0000 0.91366245 0.91369992 2.74065081
7 C 6.0000 0.91351325 2.74080620 0.91352781
8 C 6.0000 2.74078530 0.91348139 0.91365483

 Step       Energy      Delta E   Gmax     Grms     Xrms     Xmax   Walltime
---- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
6 -45.07688298 -5.9D-08 0.00072 0.00041 0.00001 0.00003 643.3

Following is the final result of my job
Step 40

                        Geometry "geometry" -> "geometry"
Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by 1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)

 No.       Tag          Charge          X              Y              Z
---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 C 6.0000 1.82723137 1.82725492 1.82706722
2 C 6.0000 0.00002348 -0.00004480 1.82731800
3 C 6.0000 0.00000670 1.82703722 0.00004368
4 C 6.0000 1.82710444 0.00006880 0.00002764
5 C 6.0000 2.74071464 2.74073912 2.74084961
6 C 6.0000 0.91365030 0.91366721 2.74063091
7 C 6.0000 0.91350995 2.74079951 0.91347033
8 C 6.0000 2.74076657 0.91345935 0.91358173

 Step       Energy      Delta E   Gmax     Grms     Xrms     Xmax   Walltime
---- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
40 -45.07688299 -9.7D-10 0.00186 0.00071 0.00001 0.00001 3243.6
ok ok

Failed to converge in maximum number of steps or available time

Following is the converged result of the 6th cycle for the tutorial
Optimization converged

 Step       Energy      Delta E   Gmax     Grms     Xrms     Xmax   Walltime
---- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
6 -45.07688304 -1.1D-07 0.00037 0.00021 0.00002 0.00003 174.5
ok ok ok ok

Geometry "geometry" -> "geometry"
Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by 1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)

No.       Tag          Charge          X              Y              Z

---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
  1 C                    6.0000     1.82723789     1.82729813     1.82705440
2 C 6.0000 0.00000857 -0.00006053 1.82730027
3 C 6.0000 -0.00000584 1.82706061 0.00002852
4 C 6.0000 1.82712018 0.00006354 -0.00002544
5 C 6.0000 2.74074195 2.74072805 2.74088522
6 C 6.0000 0.91366407 0.91370055 2.74064976
7 C 6.0000 0.91351181 2.74080771 0.91352917
8 C 6.0000 2.74078843 0.91348115 0.91365446