"sym geom project: sym center map is inconsistent with requested accuracy" Error

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Forum Vet
The input below solve the problem you are experiencing.

geometry units angstrom noautoz autosym 0.1
C                 -1.25395848   -1.57241976   -0.00000000
H                 -1.52236717   -2.03945087   -0.92452081
H                 -1.51962538   -2.03468016    0.92770492
C                 -0.57868418   -0.39744246   -0.00000000
H                 -1.11184792    0.53026246   -0.00000000
C                  0.96131582   -0.39744246    0.00000000
C                  1.63659013   -1.57241976    0.00000000
H                  1.90317201   -2.03627222    0.92664718
H                  1.49723316    0.52867449    0.00000000
H                  1.90317201   -2.03627222   -0.92664718