Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate/Minimum Energy Pathway (MEPGS) Calculation

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Hello Vladimir,

Here is the weird thing. The vibrational analysis says there is an imaginary mode (as you can see we run the frequency and pipe that into the IRC):

 Normal Eigenvalue ||           Projected Infra Red Intensities
  Mode   [cm**-1]  || [atomic units] [(debye/angs)**2] [(KM/mol)] [arbitrary]
 ------ ---------- || -------------- ----------------- ---------- -----------
    1     -295.810 ||    0.036177           0.835        35.267      20.733
    2       -0.000 ||    0.000044           0.001         0.043       0.025
    3       -0.000 ||    0.000015           0.000         0.014       0.009
    4       -0.000 ||    0.000013           0.000         0.012       0.007
    5        0.000 ||    0.000039           0.001         0.038       0.022
    6        0.000 ||    0.000037           0.001         0.036       0.021
    7        0.000 ||    0.000022           0.001         0.022       0.013
    8      124.486 ||    0.002547           0.059         2.483       1.460
    9      146.712 ||    0.000637           0.015         0.621       0.365
   10      185.619 ||    0.001857           0.043         1.810       1.064
   11      207.290 ||    0.000024           0.001         0.024       0.014
   12      236.593 ||    0.001386           0.032         1.351       0.795
   13      273.500 ||    0.003481           0.080         3.393       1.995
   14      308.056 ||    0.005062           0.117         4.935       2.901

As for setting it to forward direction, sometimes it gives me the same "energy increased" error, other times it works fine.