Updated ECCE 7.0 Downloads

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Gets Around
Gary, thanks for incorporating the changes in the official version of ECCE!

The following changes were submitted (the blog links provide a bit more detail which may help those who want to contribute towards improving ECCE):

Note that for b3pw91 the acm hybrid functional is used, which means that b3pw91 using ecce is different from b3pw91 in gaussian 09. See [1]


  • ECCE can now set up Gaussian jobs using SCRF (solvation)

  • ECCE should now be able to handle and display frequency jobs done in G09

  • ECCE should now be able to handle and display energy gradients from (completed) optimisation jobs done in G09 even if using the NoSymm directive.

  • ECCE should now be able to show the geometry trace for optimization jobs done in G09 even if using the NoSymm directive. NOTE: earlier, if a job was run with the NoSymm directive and a new job was started using 'Use last geometry', the starting geometry would be used and not the optimised one.

Note that by necessity there hasn't been a lot done in the way of QA. Checking the final input and output manually is always a good habit.