Installing Ecce

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My name is Cipy, i am new to ECCE software i have installed the ecce environment on my laptop sucesfully i copy down the ouput of isntallation:
ECCE installation succeeded.

!! You MUST perform the following steps in order to use ECCE !!
-- Unless only the user 'admiralciprian' will be running ECCE,
  start the ECCE server as 'admiralciprian' with:

-- To register machines to run computational codes, please see
  the installation and compute resource registration manuals

-- Before running ECCE each user must source an environment
  setup script.  For csh/tcsh users add this to ~/.cshrc:
if ( -e /home/admiralciprian/Desktop/ECCE/ecce-v7.0/apps/scripts/runtime_setup ) then
source /home/admiralciprian/Desktop/ECCE/ecce-v7.0/apps/scripts/runtime_setup
For sh/bash users, add this to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc:
if [ -e /home/admiralciprian/Desktop/ECCE/ecce-v7.0/apps/scripts/ ]; then
. /home/admiralciprian/Desktop/ECCE/ecce-v7.0/apps/scripts/

OK i am stuck here. I have no idea what i need to do next. If some is kind enough to explain and help do i need to register somewhere, i figured out that i need to start the server application as well.

All i want is to make it start on my laptop and run ecce+nwchem from my laptop and then move on my workstation

Laptop Configuration:

Intel Pentium T4400 Dual-Core 2.2 GHz
VGA Nvidia Geforce GT 320M 1GB VRAM
OS: UBUNTU LINUX 12.04 LTS (Long Time Support) 64-bit system it shows the full 4GB and 32GB so i asume this is 64 bit version

The Workstation configuration is:

AMD FX 8350 8 Core CPU
VGA AMD ATI HD 6670 2GB VRAM and 448threads
OS: UBUNTU LINUX 12.04 LTS (Long Time Support)

I found the nwchem and ecce are more supperior than gaussian and it will really help me in my research for PHD

Thank You! in advance Cipy