Starting a thread

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Forum Vet
Being rude doesn't get you anywhere you know. was expressing surprise you were able to start one here and not in the other forum.

Can you try and start a thread again, a simple test thread "use TESTTESTTEST" with plain text content in the Compiling forum. If it fails, let me know when you did it so I can have a server admin look at it.


[QUOTE=Apacheco Apr 22nd 2:52 am]This is the only list where I could start a thread or post to one, so its something for the admins to look into on the other lists. Unless I start a thread here which gets moved to the Compiling NWChem list rather than remain here in the General Topics list, I don't see how your answer is helpful.

Quote:Bert Apr 20th 9:12 pm
Well, you were able to start one here it looks like.


Quote:Apacheco Apr 20th 4:19 pm
I'm trying to start a thread on the Compiling forum but I keep getting a message which says
Specified URL cannot be found.

How do I start a thread
