compiling NWChem 6.3

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Dear all,
I am new in NWChem and I am trying to compile it on my local machine (x86_64) using MKL intel library, openmpi-intel and as compiler gfortran.

After the installation I got the executable but when I try to make a test I got a segmentation fault error like:

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
Backtrace for this error:
  1. 0 0x2B33F98126C7
  2. 1 0x2B33F9812C94
  3. 2 0x2B33FAF91D9F
  4. 3 0x2B33FAFA4EAC
  5. 4 0x2B33FAFABF58
  6. 5 0x2B6FE0C in dassertp_fail.part.0 at armci.c:0
  7. 6 0x2B70E19 in PARMCI_Init
  8. 7 0x2B0AA7D in pnga_initialize
  9. 8 0x51076E in nwchem at nwchem.F:124

Apparently the library are linked correctly but probably I am missing something for a correct compiling.

I would appreciate some help and I can give both make.log file and config.log as well

Thank you so much
