error "geom input: too many centers? 3000"

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Hi all,

I'm new with NWChem and QM in general. I tried to submit an input file but I got the following error:

geom_input: too many centers?     3000
There is an error related to the specified geometry

I am trying to calculate the polarizability of a large (10,000 atom) polymer system, where the box is periodic in x,y, and z. To do this I made the following input file, where i excluded most of the coordinates for simplicity:

start s-p-1
geometry units angstrom
H   0.936693251173493       0.950015378158331       0.952596184574183
C 0.932171405659065 0.962180144737754 0.966930027939623
C 0.954733488603639 0.968188188709686 0.982964669074146
[extra coordinates]
system crystal
lat_a 45.35310
lat_b 45.35310
lat_c 45.35310
alpha 90.00000
beta 90.00000
gamma 90.00000
H library 6-31g*
C library 6-31g*
mult 1
XC pbe0
response 1 0
title "s-p-1 polariability calculation"
task dft property

Because the system is periodic, I wrapped the coordinates so that they are in the simulation cell and x, y, and z under the "geometry units angstrom" are in fractional coordinates.

Is there anything obviously wrong that causes the error: geom_input: too many centers?"

Thank you