Error in CPHF module during SCF hessian calculaciton

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Dear NWChem developers,

I was trying to calculate initial hessian for geometry optimization of large polyene molecule (rhodopine glucoside) using SCF/cc-pvdz. However, calculation fails at the CPHF stage with error: "lkain: failed allocating subspace4 354".
I attached a part of output and input file below for reference^
NWChem CPHF Module

 scftype          =     RHF 
nclosed = 195
nopen = 0
variables = 178425
# of vectors = 354
tolerance = 0.10D-03
level shift = 0.00D+00
max iterations = 50
max subspace = 3540

SCF residual:    7.2974634289027011E-007

Iterative solution of linear equations
 No. of variables   178425
No. of equations 354
Maximum subspace 3540
Iterations 50
Convergence 1.0D-04
Start time 25036.4

lkain: failed allocating subspace4 354
lkain: failed allocating subspace4 354
lkain: failed allocating subspace4 354
current input line :
151: TASK scf hessian
For more information see the NWChem manual at

current input line :
current input line :
For further details see manual section:
lkain: failed allocating subspace4 354
current input line :
0:0:lkain: failed allocating subspace4:: 354
(rank:0 hostname:daniilkh pid:4081):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: No such file or directory

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 4 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode 354.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
1:1:lkain: failed allocating subspace4:: 354
(rank:1 hostname:daniilkh pid:4082):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
2:2:lkain: failed allocating subspace4:: 354
(rank:2 hostname:daniilkh pid:4083):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
3:3:lkain: failed allocating subspace4:: 354
(rank:3 hostname:daniilkh pid:4084):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
Last System Error Message from Task 1:: No such file or directory
Last System Error Message from Task 2:: No such file or directory
Last System Error Message from Task 3:: No such file or directory

mpirun has exited due to process rank 2 with PID 4083 on
node daniilkh exiting improperly. There are two reasons this could occur:

1. this process did not call "init" before exiting, but others in
the job did. This can cause a job to hang indefinitely while it waits
for all processes to call "init". By rule, if one process calls "init",
then ALL processes must call "init" prior to termination.

2. this process called "init", but exited without calling "finalize".
By rule, all processes that call "init" MUST call "finalize" prior to
exiting or it will be considered an "abnormal termination"

This may have caused other processes in the application to be
terminated by signals sent by mpirun (as reported here).

[daniilkh:04080] 3 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-api.txt / mpi-abort
[daniilkh:04080] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages

TITLE "Rhodopine glucoside geometry DFT B3LYP/CC-PVDZ optimization"
MEMORY 700 mw


GEOMETRY units an
C    1.9845662868   0.8506136590  -5.6939107751
C 2.0055176263 2.3472442708 -6.0247098616
O 2.6775709374 0.6130392630 -4.4728598764
C 4.0612686384 0.9861580957 -4.4796308203
C 4.1417313464 2.5019941923 -4.7097790211
C 3.4473233690 2.8389555898 -6.0294353814
O 2.5370337186 0.1922322185 -6.7928979590
H 0.9585731910 0.5048599898 -5.4870880413
H 1.4570942604 2.8800368614 -5.2317934285
O 1.4215627912 2.5993406145 -7.3069945139
H 4.6010556742 0.4592375174 -5.2849879072
C 4.6817778587 0.5335244874 -3.1733122440
O 5.5002223416 2.9163104021 -4.7450031338
H 3.5939771353 3.0023974747 -3.8806743309
H 3.9909236831 2.3240112357 -6.8433141105
O 3.5256463409 4.2537753828 -6.2113280741
C 2.2033201284 -1.2077486215 -7.0076490008
O 4.8976420816 -0.8699997897 -3.2716072275
H 0.6797843824 3.2098703242 -7.1795241293
H 5.6317349682 1.0874636648 -3.0278279941
H 3.9908210085 0.7888215779 -2.3468668575
H 5.4702586684 3.8241457964 -5.0916297518
H 3.2320437811 4.4112475948 -7.1238370476
C 2.6950058459 -2.0628366956 -5.8300662140
C 0.6866172013 -1.3668492122 -7.2030778816
C 2.9561639905 -1.5201511230 -8.3283924518
H 5.2417702562 -1.1817933648 -2.4214836338
C 3.0588875904 -3.0210123938 -8.5702451171
C 3.7911553735 -3.5326091420 -9.8158634444
C 3.9068257148 -5.0584464848 -9.8291774882
H 2.3635436319 -3.1075821047 -5.9373445251
H 3.7931115616 -2.0523939900 -5.7607616937
H 2.3127089517 -1.6772024321 -4.8784778586
H 0.4619813500 -2.3779408595 -7.5728459684
H 0.1324523205 -1.2493349432 -6.2597292438
H 0.3132046049 -0.6306869499 -7.9334874097
H 2.4424217357 -0.9993828887 -9.1551089608
H 3.9585250495 -1.0706491217 -8.2398762413
H 3.5753387261 -3.4413161085 -7.7003859333
H 2.0452076706 -3.4527360674 -8.5639968326
H 3.2803912877 -3.1943979176 -10.7349782086
H 4.8028613686 -3.0902865758 -9.8633100925
C 3.3052647826 -5.7808017514 -8.6406756033
C 4.5154638731 -5.7221782093 -10.8497132724
H 4.9428550290 -5.1450991738 -11.6781053978
H 3.3979209033 -6.8684750033 -8.6731498307
H 3.7806514657 -5.4474153174 -7.7043457085
H 2.2322960144 -5.5491086305 -8.5461953271
C 4.6092329945 -7.1623073553 -10.9043540967
C 5.1594818412 -7.9786012219 -11.8398643040
H 4.1483100566 -7.6709418135 -10.0617791030
C 5.1146480104 -9.4270135346 -11.7364504406
H 5.6550086825 -7.5603912590 -12.7265426646
C 4.4213083799 -10.0325965929 -10.5345275174
C 5.6772204020 -10.2030752312 -12.7150308266
C 5.6778096349 -11.6338904852 -12.7377671731
H 6.1666276406 -9.6984529640 -13.5551060428
H 4.4303497667 -11.1268586286 -10.5448618379
H 4.8994454252 -9.7184952782 -9.5906530278
H 3.3635280159 -9.7225014345 -10.4790242253
C 6.2186272605 -12.4377377752 -13.6996113195
C 6.1863340552 -13.8801836547 -13.6552571139
C 6.7678229470 -14.5915955573 -14.6828972451
H 5.1933547033 -12.1344118791 -11.8991992964
H 6.7137034764 -11.9847704317 -14.5678503765
C 6.8493512849 -16.0049737415 -14.8258058737
H 7.2287121296 -14.0131308210 -15.4928014673
C 5.5183417870 -14.5468844797 -12.4765390265
H 5.5548414050 -15.6392009416 -12.5284725552
H 5.9941865491 -14.2447903139 -11.5296883063
H 4.4584232863 -14.2542640428 -12.4044107968
C 7.4646767263 -16.6226322740 -15.8836704997
H 6.4062461930 -16.6494857057 -14.0625540045
C 7.5314158731 -18.0373121086 -16.0227842552
H 7.9257227828 -15.9930486354 -16.6481226651
C 8.1657323025 -18.7306049699 -17.0316847051
H 7.0379069847 -18.6184902640 -15.2342700229
C 8.1332580601 -20.1711029517 -17.0150737749
C 8.8601229236 -17.9680116979 -18.1386747535
C 8.7919060351 -20.9951256267 -17.8872588077
H 7.5125829115 -20.6204740809 -16.2304824399
H 9.2520104542 -18.6128853384 -18.9336836597
H 8.1578608434 -17.2645998506 -18.6142007651
H 9.7005889558 -17.3740050621 -17.7469957497
C 8.7022450216 -22.4185801427 -17.9533907239
H 9.4293934382 -20.5164633005 -18.6321519431
C 9.3156891634 -23.1744002960 -18.9334451240
C 10.2006448607 -22.4830563259 -19.9519259927
C 9.0682681481 -24.5910294499 -19.0333425917
H 8.0678831789 -22.9237336667 -17.2195709401
H 10.7252930232 -23.1810252459 -20.6152320579
H 9.6124295987 -21.8050162562 -20.5931476192
H 10.9728877587 -21.8757171701 -19.4567838464
C 9.5519432232 -25.3914718310 -20.0392174629
H 8.4203893392 -25.0280381077 -18.2625459208
C 9.3345935692 -26.7845356561 -20.2777452584
H 10.1790064970 -24.8961137073 -20.7765286466
C 9.8851408514 -27.4524719148 -21.3482457355
H 8.6970049978 -27.3407559818 -19.5839572010
C 9.6139069942 -28.8590696580 -21.5451762692
C 10.7782282690 -26.7133989928 -22.3269472357
H 11.1693775786 -27.3565959910 -23.1235969611
H 10.2335542198 -25.8915163476 -22.8173560544
H 11.6476930621 -26.2661480334 -21.8205621241
C 10.1111086628 -29.6437585400 -22.5478261123
H 8.9449644477 -29.3254360832 -20.8076480177
C 9.8449036191 -31.0435503744 -22.7455477032
H 10.7822936739 -29.1854672898 -23.2744903299
C 10.3949227765 -31.7961373035 -23.7350390051
H 9.1574678771 -31.5272319536 -22.0439273584
C 10.0619224097 -33.2709586413 -23.8292669165
C 11.3536011982 -31.2139552474 -24.7562234122
H 10.5718262127 -33.7569259573 -24.6744678070
H 10.3583376228 -33.8082578426 -22.9124518466
H 8.9785862913 -33.4362702128 -23.9547651988
H 11.6952307817 -31.9792247485 -25.4673757617
H 10.8926359642 -30.4013875234 -25.3445204223
H 12.2525483712 -30.7801975436 -24.2849738347

cvr_scaling 1.7

H  library cc-pvdz
O library cc-pvdz
C library cc-pvdz

iterations 50
XC b3lyp

maxiter 50
inhess 2

TASK scf hessian
TASK dft optimize

Task was performed on Intel 4-core i5 with 24 Gb of memory.

Could you please help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance.