strange behavior on Driver module

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Dear NWChem Users and developers,

I found a unexpected behavior on the Driver module.

Using the keyword "loose" I was expecting to run my optimization by this criteria ( ):

GMAX 0.0045d0
GRMS 0.0030d0
XMAX 0.0054d0
XRMS 0.0036d0

but reading the output of my calculations I found:

maximum gradient threshold         (gmax) =   0.004500
rms gradient threshold (grms) = 0.003000
maximum cartesian step threshold (xmax) = 0.018000
rms cartesian step threshold (xrms) = 0.012000

that is the default criteria *10. I also checked that the geometry optimization task used the last parameters.

Someone knows how can I fix it? (Anyway, using the keywords for each parameters it works well).

Best Regards
