Please comment out the "symmetry group c3v" line as shown below.
The autosym module of NWChem will correctly detect the c3v symmetry.
geometry autosym units angstrom
#symmetry group c3v
N -0.0110000 0.00000 0.201000
C 0.0160000 0.00000 1.37200
C 0.0520000 0.00000 2.85200
H -0.975000 0.00000 3.24800
H 0.580000 -0.898000 3.20900
H 0.580000 0.898000 3.20900
PS The "symmetry group c3v" line causes the failure since your geometry is not aligned along the axes of the symmetry operations that NWChem uses for c3v