Help with large CCSD(T) Calculation

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Hi Edoapra, thanks for your reply.

It seems that you're correct that the job will run if I request more cores. I'm now running on 64 cores, but I'm now running into a new error.

Global array virtual files algorithm will be used

 Parallel file system coherency ......... OK

 Integral file          = ./n2.aoints.00
 Record size in doubles =  65536        No. of integs per rec  =  32766
 Max. records in memory =   1874        Max. records in file   = ******
 No. of bits per label  =     16        No. of bits per value  =     64

 #quartets = 2.929D+06 #integrals = 1.446D+09 #direct =  0.0% #cached =100.0%

File balance: exchanges=   254  moved=  1805  time=   0.1

 Fock matrix recomputed
 1-e file size   =           173056
 1-e file name   = ./n2.f1
 Cpu & wall time / sec           12.3           15.4
 4-electron integrals stored in orbital form
1: WARNING:armci_set_mem_offset: offset changed 0 to 26914816
33: WARNING:armci_set_mem_offset: offset changed 0 to 22720512
(rank:32 hostname:trestles-4-13.local pid:26022):ARMCI DASSERT fail. openib.c:armci_server_register_region():964 cond:(memhdl->memhndl!=((void *)0))
Last System Error Message from Task 32:: Cannot allocate memory
32:Segmentation Violation error, status=: 11
32:Segmentation Violation error, status=: 11
32:Segmentation Violation error, status=: 11

Any suggestions?