Verify the expression: C.transpose * S * C = I

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Hi, Edo !

The number of digits for the eigenvectors is 15.

Below is a small section of the output:

  -0.182031731624931E-04   -0.103280786104367E-04   -0.315402471342734E-04
-0.381586117380476E-04 -0.789728509277435E-04 -0.872883749498206E-04
-0.462811845480190E-04 0.223511333780241E-03 0.696050502583492E-03
-0.110518876210707E-03 -0.209263633645397E-02 0.141537941674604E-03
0.636958647241003E-02 -0.655655688213226E-02 -0.109112070692797E-02


Quote:Edoapra Aug 12th 1:31 pm
How many digits do you have for the eigenvectors?

Cheers, Edo