Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate/Minimum Energy Pathway (MEPGS) Calculation

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Hello Folks,

I am running into problems getting an IRC calculation to run and was hoping someone else might have some insight.

I am receiving an error that "The energy has increased" and the calculation dies before doing the first point of the MEP/IRC. I have tried decreasing the step size (stride) to no avail. I have tried tightening up the energy convergence criteria in the TS calculation. At this point I am considering tightening up the DFT grid size, but that has more ramifications since grids need to be consistent between calculations to compare energies.

Thanks for your help!

Input deck:

TITLE molecule

geometry noautosym
 C                    -1.56583532     0.89980740    -0.46106375
 C                    -0.63078461     1.82698720    -0.86157945
 C                    -0.50773429     2.24918622    -2.30919751
 H                    -1.44949302     2.07714793    -2.84402532
 H                     0.28275637     1.67258199    -2.80899191
 H                    -0.24479137     3.30808189    -2.40178582
 C                    -1.55906112     0.29368306     0.83927529
 H                    -2.21346146     0.46986517    -1.22690280
 S                     0.57452173     2.28434060     0.27251061
 C                    -0.11188030    -0.95552821     1.12771631
 H                    -2.39624750    -0.36907737     1.06390518
 H                    -1.28782623     0.97753389     1.66409184
 S                     1.38219886    -0.04057327     0.92765129
 C                    -0.32367076    -2.07715447     0.09224193
 C                    -0.39215468    -1.42587090     2.56874464
 H                    -0.25842731    -0.61046728     3.28498429
 H                     0.29935385    -2.23912992     2.84821336
 H                    -1.41677948    -1.81613178     2.66570304
 H                    -0.15719796    -1.71031957    -0.92379821
 H                    -1.34409850    -2.48456759     0.15829454
 H                     0.37792543    -2.90958221     0.27310725

basis spherical
 C library 6-31G*
 H library 6-31G*
 S library 6-31G*

 maxiter 200

 xc b3lyp
 iterations 2000

task dft freq

 reuse molecule.hess

 maxmep 300
 maxiter 200
 inhess 2
 evib 0.0005
 stride 0.01

task dft mepgs

Last few lines of output file:

                 |  Time  |  1-e(secs)   |  2-e(secs)   |
                 |  CPU   |       0.01   |       2.91   |
                 |  WALL  |       0.01   |       3.07   |

          Expected decrease in energy              0.000500

          Obtained decrease in energy             -0.005967

 The energy has increased
 dft mepgs failed                                                                        0
 This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching convergence criteria