ET module

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I'm wondering how the electronic coupling energy (V(RP)) is calculated in the ET module. I have looked at the JACS 1990, 112 4206-4214 article that is cited which states:

V(RP) = (1-S(RP)^2)^-1 * [ H(RP) - S(RP) * ( H(RR) + H(PP) ) / 2 ]

I have calculated the triplet exchange for a napthlene dimer using CDFT and get the following:

 Electronic energy of reactants     H(RR)   -2141.0488936556
 Electronic energy of products      H(PP)   -2141.0053307554
 Reactants/Products overlap S(RP) : -1.11D-03
 Reactants/Products interaction energy:
 One-electron contribution         H1(RP)       4.1843395986
 Beginning calculation of 2e contribution
 Two-electron integral screening (tol2e) : 1.11D-10
  int_init: cando_txs set to always be   F
 Two-electron contribution         H2(RP)      -1.8070713687
 Total interaction energy           H(RP)       2.3772682299
 Electron Transfer Coupling Energy |V(RP)|      0.0052412415
                                                    1150.319 cm-1
                                                    0.142622 eV
                                                       3.289 kcal/mol

However, when a calculate V(RP) using the above equation I get 0.00072814 not 0.0052412415. Why the difference? Are the H(RR) and H(PP) values not normalized or somthing?