4:19:37 PM PST - Tue, Feb 5th 2013 |
Hello Edo,
8192 seems a magic number, I tried to set it at 2048 (which should work per your another post) and 4096, both of which still gave those warning messages. Now I set it to 8192 and it works without any warning.
Thank you!
Quote:Edoapra Feb 5th 11:07 pmNo, you cannot set it as high as 20K since the current version of NWChem has an internal limit of 8192
Quote:Yangyue1209 Feb 5th 2:43 pmHello Edo,
I wasn't aware of such an environment setting. I found "kernel.shmmax = 20971520000" on my system, then I assume I can set ARMCI_DEFAULT_SHMMAX to 20000 (20971520000/1024/1024), am I right?
Thank you!