Compiling with i4 instead of i8 on 64-bit machine

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Hi guys,

Is there any simple, out-of-the-box way to create an i4 build in anyway without tinkering with the tools/GNUMakefile?

I see in the config that USE_INTEGER4 is no longer supported (though still present in the PEIGS Makefile, for reference) and that one can set USE_I4FLAGS. However, this doesn't effect the GA build and so one needs to play with this to get an i4 build of the GA (Or so I presumed - or can I just leave the GA alone?)

The reason I ask is because even if I create a seemingly sensible -i4 build with (adding in --enable-i4 for the GA build) I get spat out just after the geometry is read with:

> s_g_p: ma? 0

which seems to originate from a failed ma_pop_stack in symmetry/sym_geom_prj.F

Any thoughts or suggestions welcomed! As I am stumped.

(In the meantime I shouldl retry building without any alteration of the GA config files, but won't be holding my breath....)

All the best,
