"autosym failed..."

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For the Oh cluster, I put the full Cartesian coordinates in after "symmetry Oh" and it works fine. For the ico however, I put in the following coordinates (that have been "symmetrized" in gaussview to be Ih") with the line:
geometry bridge6 noautoz autosym 1d-0
and get only D3d symmetry:
Pd                 0.00000000   -0.00000000   -0.00000000
Pd 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.74998368
Pd -1.44575089 1.98990705 1.22983112
Pd -2.33927505 -0.76007757 1.22983112
Pd 0.00000098 -2.45965967 1.22983112
Pd 2.33927505 -0.76007757 1.22983112
Pd 1.44575247 1.98990589 1.22983112
Pd 0.00000159 2.45966153 -1.22982739
Pd -2.33927664 0.76007872 -1.22982739
Pd -1.44575149 -1.98990891 -1.22982739
Pd 1.44575149 -1.98990891 -1.22982739
Pd 2.33927762 0.76007571 -1.22982739
Pd -0.00000000 0.00000000 -2.74998368
Pd 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.49998140
Pd -2.89150915 3.97982425 2.45966852
Pd -4.67856204 -1.52015902 2.45966852
Pd 0.00000196 -4.91933189 2.45966852
Pd 4.67856204 -1.52015902 2.45966852
Pd 2.89151232 3.97982195 2.45966852
Pd 0.00000317 4.91933561 -2.45966107
Pd -4.67856521 1.52016132 -2.45966107
Pd -2.89151036 -3.97982798 -2.45966107
Pd 2.89151036 -3.97982798 -2.45966107
Pd 4.67856717 1.52015529 -2.45966107
Pd -0.00000000 0.00000000 -5.49998140
Pd -1.44575767 1.98991471 3.97982701
Pd -2.33928504 -0.76007979 3.97982701
Pd 0.00000000 -2.45966986 3.97982701
Pd 2.33928504 -0.76007979 3.97982701
Pd 1.44575767 1.98991471 3.97982701
Pd -3.78503869 1.22983726 2.45967095
Pd -0.00000346 3.97982633 2.45967095
Pd -1.44575383 4.44958365 0.00000130
Pd -3.78503967 2.74999518 0.00000679
Pd -2.33928406 -3.21974779 2.45966929
Pd -4.67856803 -0.00000203 0.00000027
Pd -3.78504019 -2.74999446 0.00000135
Pd 2.33928476 -3.21974660 2.45967018
Pd -1.44575798 -4.44958230 0.00000513
Pd 1.44575725 -4.44958254 0.00000126
Pd 3.78504065 1.22983457 2.45966929
Pd 3.78504091 -2.74999348 0.00000126
Pd 4.67856803 0.00000100 0.00000513
Pd 1.44575896 4.44958198 0.00000027
Pd 3.78504190 2.74999212 0.00000135
Pd -2.33928245 3.21975026 -2.45966759
Pd 2.33928761 3.21974934 -2.45966389
Pd 0.00000172 2.45966825 -3.97982800
Pd -3.78504322 -1.22983746 -2.45966389
Pd -2.33928405 0.76007765 -3.97982800
Pd 0.00000288 -3.97982902 -2.45966659
Pd -1.44575639 -1.98991835 -3.97982565
Pd 3.78504144 -1.22983754 -2.45966659
Pd 1.44575930 -1.98991696 -3.97982529
Pd 2.33928811 0.76007745 -3.97982565

Also, the structure is rotated in the .out file relative to the input coordinates; is there a preferred orientation that would give me a better shot of it "seeing" the higher order symmetries?

Thanks for your help.