A segmentation Violation error in the frequency analysis

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Forum Vet
Looks like you compiled your code fine and this is not a bug in GA either.

I notice you use a huge amount of shared global memory, doubt you really need that much. Even so, you are using more shared memory then the default GA size block that is allocated. As a result, GA is allocating a second one and tries to switch between them (that's why you have the ARNING:armci_set_mem_offset: offset changed warning messages). You can avoid that by setting ARMCI_DEFAULT_SHMMAX , telling GA to use larger shared memory blocks. The units for this variable are in MByte. I would suggest you try running with:

1. In your input deck:

   memory heap 100 mb stack 500 mb global 1500 mb

2. In your job script:


If you still get the offset warning messages you can increase 2.
