SCF convergence failure using aug-cc-pvdz for pyrene molecule

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I am facing a problem when I am doing a simple HF calculation for Pyrene molecule using aug-cc-pvdz, similar calculation with cc-pvdz does not give any such error. Similar error is observed for extended systems like coronene. Please give me some suggestion to overcome this problem.

This is the input file

MEMORY STACK 11000 mb HEAP 500 mb GLOBAL 11000 mb noverify
geometry autosym units angstrom noautoz
C     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
C 0.000000 0.000000 1.390659
C 1.203587 0.000000 2.105694
C 2.433783 0.000000 1.388552
C 2.425110 0.000000 -0.035386
C 1.197102 0.000000 -0.707617
C 3.671316 0.000000 -0.729642
C 4.856057 0.000000 -0.053741
C 4.892603 0.000000 1.372332
C 3.662418 0.000000 2.089496
C 1.240108 0.000000 3.531769
C 2.424837 0.000000 4.207691
C 3.671055 0.000000 3.513456
C 4.899045 0.000000 4.185719
C 6.096198 0.000000 3.478077
C 6.096186 0.000000 2.087418
H 7.035820 0.000000 4.014169
H -0.939627 0.000000 -0.536084
H 4.906180 0.000000 5.268688
H 7.032112 0.000000 1.542518
H -0.935908 0.000000 1.935589
H 1.189939 0.000000 -1.790586
H 5.793642 0.000000 -0.596192
H 2.434989 0.000000 5.290841
H 3.661145 0.000000 -1.812793
H 0.302513 0.000000 4.074203
BASIS "ao basis" PRINT
  • library aug-cc-pvdz
  thresh 1.e-8
iterations 100
task scf energy

The error is as follows

File balance: exchanges=   814  moved= 13683  time=   0.7

!!      18 symmetry forbidden rotations with max =  3.43D-05

             iter       energy          gnorm     gmax       time
----- ------------------- --------- --------- --------
1 -2725.1762526569 2.04D+04 1.37D+04 21.5

!!     145 symmetry forbidden rotations with max =  8.32D-06

 Setting level-shift to ****** to force positive preconditioner

!!      88 symmetry forbidden rotations with max =  2.68D-05

!!      77 symmetry forbidden rotations with max =  2.40D-05

!!      63 symmetry forbidden rotations with max =  2.05D-05

!!      76 symmetry forbidden rotations with max =  2.24D-05

     Calculation failed to converge

This type of error is most commonly
associatated with calculations not reaching convergence criteria