Wilson-Amos-Handy method for calculation of NMR shifts

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Forum Vet
Your fixing is never ever going to work. Key is the modification of xfac in the data block that is in cdft.fh . This is what is used by the CPHF routine and outside of hnd_giaox.F. You cannot simply fix this within this one routine. CPHF does the response calculation using the RHS constructed in hnd_giaox.F. There it also uses the HF Exchange.

I can see why it may not have compiled, forgot to define do_wah as a logical.

Hence, in the hnd_giaox.F file I provided, add somewhere at the top where all the variables are defined:

     logical  do_wah

Also, in the input add the following (as you already figured out):

     set dft:wah  .true.

If it doesn't compile, get me the error message.



[QUOTE=Ohlincha Nov 16th 5:07 am]Bert,
I don't see much difference between the original 6.1 and my modified 6.1 code.

The number of iterations are the same, and while there's a small change in the computed shift, it's small relative what should be obtained if the WIlson-Amos-Handy method has been successfully implemented (isotropic shifts -- C: 4.7 ppm and O: -44 ppm; see first post for references)

Here's my test case
title "co nmr"

c   0   0   0
o   0   0   1.13

    * library "dzp (dunning)"


 grid fine
 mult 1
 xc HFexch 0.05 slater 0.95 becke88 nonlocal 0.72 vwn_5 1 perdew91 0.81

task dft property

Running it using my modified binary (v6.1) I get:
600    iter   nsub   residual    time
601    ----  ------  --------  ---------
602      1      3    1.70D-01       4.9
603      2      6    1.70D-03       5.6
604      3      9    2.93D-05       6.3

For C I get
621            isotropic =      -2.8388$
622           anisotropy =     413.3050$

and for O I get
650            isotropic =     -64.1336$
651           anisotropy =     711.1241$

and with the original binary I see
600    iter   nsub   residual    time$
601    ----  ------  --------  ---------$
602      1      3    1.69D-01       5.0$
603      2      6    1.84D-03       5.8$
604      3      9    2.47D-05       6.5$

For C I get
621            isotropic =       5.1483$
622           anisotropy =     401.3242$

and for O I get
650            isotropic =     -60.6964$
651           anisotropy =     705.9682$

when I do
cat *|grep "xfac ="

I can't find any unedited examples -- i.e. I've already changed them all to 0 and have commented out "if (use_theory.eq.'dft') xfac = bgj_kfac()"

I guess the most plausible explanation would be that there's more to these NMR calculations than it at first appears to be -- but then again, as you point out there should be a change in the number of iterations and there isn't.