Compiling NWCHEM on Centos6.1 openmpi1.6 ifort icc

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Hi Edo,

The prepare session went well and quick. As I run equilibrate with single core, it went well too. I guess. With the parallel run, there were errors.

The following files are diffs and error run of the code.

In dyn-0.parallel.out, I found that nproc=1 in my output whereas in the tutorial it is 16.
The command I run the code was

mpiexec -np 4 /opt/nwchem_intel2013_openmpi16/bin/nwchem ./dyn-0.nw &> dyn-0.out &

after launching a mpd through

/opt/intel/2013/composer_xe_2013.0.079/mpirt/bin/intel64/mpd &

I guess there is something wrong with how I launch the program in the parallel mode.

And, for optimize job

I noticed that Bq-nuclear interaction energy differs from the tutorial output throughout the calculation.

For the rst files, it seems that the tutorial output has a part near the end of the file, but that part is absent from my rst file. The part looked like below:

>          2         2         0       229
>          4         4         0       552
>          6         6         0       898
>          8         8         0      1186
>         10        10         0      1428
>       1     14
>          1         1         1         0
>          0         0         1       218
>          3         3         1       538
>          4         4         1       862
>          5         5         1      1133

BTW. as I crawl the forum, I found that the config.h of my armci build folder did not build correctly.

Here is the file $NWCHEM_TOP/src/tools/build/armci/config.log

However, I have no idea how to fix this error, and to know if it is the culprit.

Many thanks,
