createfile: failed ga create size=*********

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Forum Vet
Please carefully read the posting I pointed to. The memory keyword is per core, so what you specify times 4 is what you try to allocate. You cannot and should not over allocate memory or use virtual memory!

You have 4 cores and ONLY 4 Gbyte, so at most you can allocate probably 850 mb per core, leaving space for the OS. So "memory heap 100 mb stack 250 mb global 500 mb" is probably the largest that could work.

Make your tilesize much smaller, maybe 5 to reduce the local memory needs.

I want to stress this again, this calculation is too big for such a small machine, and will tak much longer than 20 minutes!.


Quote:Dhaminah Nov 18th 3:39 am
Thanks Bert,

I'm running the application on a single-node machine. The machine has an Intel quad-core Xeon processor and 4 GB of RAM. Basically I'm running across the 4 cores.

What would be a sufficient memory configuration? Currently, I have the following configs::

memory stack 1300 mb heap 100 mb global 2000 mb noverify