Strange results with m06-2x...

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Quote:Adampelzer Nov 14th 10:17 am

of all atoms are much larger). It seems that I am calling for m06-2x
properly ( xc xm06-2x cm06-2x), as it's properly specified in the
output file

             XC Information
M06-2X Exchange Functional 1.000
M06-2X Correlation Potential 1.000 non-local

The complete definition of M06-2X contains 54% of HF exchange,
therefore your input line for the xc functional should change to
xc cm06-2x xm06-2x hfexch 0.54

However, a simpler solution would be to use the
combined m06-2x keyword (that properly contains hf exchange)
xc  m06-2x

Cheers, Edo