Question about the application

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Thanks Bert,

Let's neglect the network for the moment and assume we're running the application on a single machine with local storage - disk - across the many cores available. Would the type of storage play a significant role on the application performance. As an example, if we are using the RAM (by creating filesystems from the RAM storage available) vs using regular HDD; is this going to make any difference?

Quote:Bert Nov 6th 2:17 pm
That's a difficult question to answer. Many of our default algorithms use disk and can become I/O intensive. However, those same algorithms can be directed to do "direct" calculations, avoiding disk and becoming compute intensive. A third variable is when you run in parallel, where the network bandwidth and latency can become an issue for certain algorithms.



Quote:Dhaminah Nov 6th 9:58 pm
Hi all,

This is my first post on this community. I have a "technical" question about the NWChem software. Is it considered as an I/O intensive application or it is more of compute (i.e. CPU) intensive?
