undefined reference to ' gfortran copy string'

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First, I apologize fro my redundant posting. My thinking was that, with the pre-compiled version of NWChem bundled with ECCE6.4, my compilation problems became moot, but qualitatively differenct problem has arisen.

But the plot is thicker. I took your keen advice that I had apparently used the invalid envar LINUX_64 (then denied it in my posting! My fingers don't always follow my eye's instructions.) When I recompiled with the right envar, I got back to my original error: "undefined reference to `_gfortran_copy_string'"

That problem I've gotten the upper hand on. Scouting around with the `nm` command, I find that indeed that the libgfortran.so.3 (as supplied by gfortran v4.6.3 - the latest synaptic offers) does not contain that symbol, but the libgfortran.so.1 supplied with the pre-compiled version of ECCE6.4 does. Linking with that library, I am able to compile the NWChem source ( NWChem-src-2012-Jul-25)

My compilation works in single cpu mode (as tested with a couple of your "examples".) But I'm not out of the woods. My build also produced the `parallel.x` executable. With the self-built version 6.0 of NWChem, I am able to exploit the 4 cpus on my computer, using the command `parallel nwchem <command-file>` (and appropritate ~/pdir/nwchem.p file), with nearly 4 times better speed. Now when I try the analogous command with version 6.1 nwchem and parallel.x, I get the following messaging error:

                            AUTHORS & CONTRIBUTORS
E. J. Bylaska, W. A. de Jong, N. Govind, K. Kowalski, T. P. Straatsma,
M. Valiev, H. J. J. van Dam, D. Wang, E. Apra, T. L. Windus, J. Hammond,
J. Autschbach, F. Aquino, J. Mullin, P. Nichols, S. Hirata, M. T. Hackler,
Y. Zhao, P.-D. Fan, R. J. Harrison, M. Dupuis, D. M. A. Smith, K. Glaesemann,
sock=0, pid=1, nsent=-1, len=56
1: snd_remote: writing message to socket 399999999 (0x17d783ff).
1: snd_remote: writing message to socket 399999999 (0x17d783ff).
system error message: Bad file descriptor
sock=0, pid=2, nsent=-1, len=56
 3: SemWait: error from semop -1 (0xffffffffffffffff).
3: SemWait: error from semop -1 (0xffffffffffffffff).
system error message: Invalid argument
 2: snd_remote: writing message to socket 399999999 (0x17d783ff).
2: snd_remote: writing message to socket 399999999 (0x17d783ff).
system error message: Bad file descriptor
^C 4: interrupt(1)
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Numerical result out of range
WaitAll: Child (31813) finished, status=0xd (killed by signal 13).

So again I'm stuck, and need your advice.