6.1.1 MPI build runs great, but only on 1 node

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Quote:Marcindulak Aug 25th 5:21 am
To make the debugging easier, please check the log of the latest build at (for CentOS 5 86_64):

I still see ga-5-1 been used at





You can find by searching for


The correct behavior for ga-4-3 should not show any "../ga-5-1/configure" entry.
Once you type

cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src/tools;make FC=gfortran

no configure business should show up (ga-4-3 was not using autoconf and related tools)
and the compilation should start immediately.
By any chance, have you modified the file $NWCHEM_TOP/src/tools/GNUmakefile?
Could please post the $NWCHEM_TOP/src/tools/GNUmakefile that you are using?