6.1.1 MPI build runs great, but only on 1 node

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Just Got Here
Thanks Bert. Yeah, I'm getting the impression that I did build NWChem successfully, and that I'm just having some trouble with OpenMPI (I'm more accustomed to MPICH2).

I added "-hostfile" and "-npernode" to my command (mpiexec is just a synonym for mpirun, they're both symbolic links for orterun):

mpiexec -n 16 -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE -npernode 8 nwchem n2.mp2.ccsd.nwchem > n2.mp2.ccsd.out

Sorry for posting in the "Compiling" section. Perhaps this thread should be moved to the "Running" seciton, if that's possible.

Thanks so much for your help!