Run parallel

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Thanks, Niri

The command, run from directory /home/lfp/nwchem, is

bin/parallel bin/nwchem fileinp.nw > fileout.out &

I created the file nwchem.p in directory /home/lfp/nwchem/bin with the entry:

 lfp atenea 4 /home/lfp/nwchem/bin/nwchem /home/lfp/nwchem

NWChem starts, the output file is created (input info properly read, basis set stuff, etc correct) but the program aborts after a couple seconds and the last lines in the output file are:

3: ARMCI aborting 0 (0)
Creating: localhost=atenea, host=atenea, usr=lfp,
file=/home/lfp/nwchem/bin/nwchem, port=9427

Thanks again
Best regards
