12:08:05 PM PDT - Tue, Jul 10th 2012 |
We don't have the scaling of the CCSDTQ method as a function of the systems size.
However, the scaling of the CCSDT approach was pretty consistent with its N^8 numerical complexity. Of course, the performance of the CCSDTQ implementation may be prone to the choice of the parameters which define the granularity of the code (the so-called "tilesize" parameter). This should be observed especially for the small systems.
When running the CCSDTQ calculations one should rememebr about the local memory requirements defined by the (tilesize)^8. For example, when you define "tilesize 8" in your input, you will need to store 2 object of the tilesize^8 character which is equavalent to 250 GB.