An error occured in the Runtime Database

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Dear All

I am trying to run NWChem 6.0 (binary version) in parallel but I get the error which is pasted below. Gfortran, gcc, g++, mpif90, mpicc, mpiCC, lapack, atlas, and fftws works well in my system even so when I run NWChem 6.0 by this command: "mpirun -np 3 nwchem h2o_scf.nw &>A.out" I get the error that I have mentioned. Many thanks for your help in advance.

Best Wishes
Masoud Nahali
Sharif University of Technology

error: :

rtdb_seq_next: name too small, need=65536, got=256
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 0: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).
system error message: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 warning:::::::::::::: from_compile
NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY is: </home/d3y133/nwchem-releases/nwchem-6.0-linux/src/basis/libraries/>
but file does not exist or you do not have access to it !
Basis "ao basis" -> "" (cartesian)
H (Hydrogen)
Exponent Coefficients
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
1 S 1.87311370E+01 0.033495
1 S 2.82539370E+00 0.234727
1 S 6.40121700E-01 0.813757

 2 S  1.61277800E-01  1.000000

 3 S  3.60000000E-02  1.000000

 O (Oxygen)
Exponent Coefficients
-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
1 S 5.48467170E+03 0.001831
1 S 8.25234950E+02 0.013950
1 S 1.88046960E+02 0.068445
1 S 5.29645000E+01 0.232714
1 S 1.68975700E+01 0.470193
1 S 5.79963530E+00 0.358521

 2 S  1.55396160E+01 -0.110778
2 S 3.59993360E+00 -0.148026
2 S 1.01376180E+00 1.130767

 3 P  1.55396160E+01  0.070874
3 P 3.59993360E+00 0.339753
3 P 1.01376180E+00 0.727159

 4 S  2.70005800E-01  1.000000

 5 P  2.70005800E-01  1.000000

 6 S  8.45000000E-02  1.000000

 7 P  8.45000000E-02  1.000000

Summary of "ao basis" -> "" (cartesian)
Tag Description Shells Functions and Types
---------------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------------------
H 6-31++g 3 3 3s
O 6-31++g 7 13 4s3p

rtdb_clean: failed deleting existing entry 0
current input line :
18: task dft optimize
An error occured in the Runtime Database
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
0:0:rtdb_clean: failed deleting existing entry:: 0
(rank:0 hostname:barfi pid:12399):ARMCI DASSERT fail. armci.c:ARMCI_Error():260 cond:0
 0: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).


title "WATER 6-311G* meta-GGA XC geometry"
geometry units angstroms
O 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 0.0 1.0
H 0.0 1.0 0.0
H library 6-31++g file /home/barfi/nwchem/bin/libraries/
O library 6-31++g file /home/barfi/nwchem/bin/libraries/
iterations 100
print kinetic_energy
xc xtpss03 ctpss03
task dft optimize